Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Assignment due december 15

1. Luke Autbeloe drops a pile of roof shingles from the top of a roof located 8.52 meters above the ground. Determine the time required for the shingles to reach the ground.

2. Rex Things throws his mother's crystal vase vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 26.2 m/s. Determine the height to which the vase will rise above its initial height.

3. A problem about a car (US version).
a. A car is said to go "zero to sixty in six point seven seconds". What is its acceleration in m/s2?
b. Let's just assume our car is traveling at 35.8 m/s. What acceleration would it have if it took 2.0 s to come to a complete stop?

4. A crate of food supplies is dropped from an airplane flying horizontally at 56 m/s (about 125 miles an hour). The altitude of the plane is 2 E 2 meters. There will be total parachute failure due to the old rotten parachutes that have to be used. How many meters short of the target area must the crate be dropped to insure a hit.

5. A large rock is dropped from a bridge into the river below.
a) if the time required to fall is 1.7 seconds, with what velocity, in m/sec, does it hit the water? b) what is the height, in meters, of the bridge above the water?

6. How many seconds does it take a metal ball to drop 400 m from rest? What velocity does it achieve?

7. A suitcase is accidentally dropped from an airplane flying at an altitude of 1 E 4 m. With what final velocity does it strike the earth?

8. A plane is flying at 8 000 m. If a package is dropped from the plane a) how long will it take the package to reach the ground? b) what would be the acceleration of that package as it fell if the plane was flying horizontally at 2 E 3 m/s? c) how far would the plane travel while the package was falling? d) how many kilometers away from the target area would the plane have to drop the package to have it hit the target area? e) how fast would the rock be traveling when it hit the ground?

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